Select the Mailbox server from the list and click add. Click next.Ĭlick + “Add” to choose source server. Since we want to send emails to all destination domain names, type * as FQDN. So, make sure your internal DNS server can resolve external domain names. Using MX record as email routing option, the Exchange server will try to find destination email server using DNS lookups. Choose MX record associated with recipient domain option as method send mail with this connector. Smart hosts can be SMTP server of your Internet provider or any other SMTP server. You can route emails using smart hosts or use MX records. Choose Internet to route emails out on the Internet. There are four different types of send connector. By default, send connector is empty so let’s configure a send connector. If your Exchange server is unable to send emails out on the Internet, then this where you should look. Send connector allows Exchange server to send emails out on the Internet. Default Frontend MBG-EX01 connector is the one that receives emails on port 25 from Internet.
By default, five receive connectors are created by default. Receive connector is the point where Exchange server will receive emails from various sources. The default email address policy is mostly fine, so I will leave the default. You can add different email address policy and apply to recipients based on different criteria. Default email address policy state that if user has logon name as then the email format will also be the same. By default, the default email address policy is is applied to all recipient types. Step 2: Email Address PoliciesĮmail address policies define the email address format. Email servers use DNS servers and MX records to route emails. This is how email routing actually works. You do this by going into domain control panel of hosting provider for example, GoDaddy. You also need to configure MX record of domain to point to this Exchange server.
Type accepted domain name as shown above. In that case, you have to add as authoritative domain name. For example, you might want this Mail server to receive emails for domain If you have more than one domain name then you can add here. You can double-click the domain name to view default domain configuration. So, forest root domain name is the default authoritative domain name. As you can see below, is default domain because Exchange picks the forest root domain by default. In accepted domains tab you can define more than one domain names for which this Mail server will accept emails from.